You heard it right, 3 days without 3 teachers!!!
Ma’am Bisa, Ma’am Digma and Sir Mojica were out for three days to accompany our representatives for the Science Quiz Bee. I’m not sure if it’s Science Quiz Bee.
Though they were out, they leave many seatworks. In Chemistry and in Zoology we need to answer something, something very long. In Advance Statistics, we just need to read our Module.
For every free time I had, I was doing the Zoology, and then in our house I was doing the Chemistry. So in our school, I am just resting or doing other things.
We were all busy this past three days.
We need to do the seatwork and at the same time we need to practice for our presentation in our Christmas Party. It was really tiring. There were times that I can’t do the steps. But I’m getting excited!!!
Ah! Before I will forgot, for three days Ma’am Nazareno didn’t attend our class. Our time was just wasted for waiting her to arrive.
That’s all for now, hope that our presentation would be okay.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
3 Days without 3 Teachers
Posted by shalice at 1:37 AM 1 comments
Labels: December 8- 12 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Turning 15!
December, the season of giving, sharing and loving. I really love this week because it’s the month wherein we, as students, have long vacation. This is the month that opens the next year. This is the month we felt so cold, in which I don’t even like to take a bath. This is the month we are all waiting for, especially me. It’s the month of my birthday.
This week I really felt the coldness of each day.
This week was the third week of our “monito, monita”.
Before the day of my birthday, most of my friends greeted me.
“Thank you”, I really appreciate it.
On the day of my birthday, the grandfather of my father came to our house from Bataan. Before they were able to come in our house, they have a long, circulating trip.
As they come, I saw that they were holding a cake, it’s for me. They even slept in our house and as they got home, my mother was with them.
In my friendster, some of my friends greeted me.
“Thank you”.
The next day, it’s the “Dream Match” between Pacman and dela Hoya. But I didn’t watch that, I’ve watched the movie. After watching the movies, I watched the match. Know what? Pacman won the game.
I’m proud of him though I really do not like him.
Happy Birthday to Me!!!
Posted by shalice at 12:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: December 1-7
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Last Week of November
This week I have felt the essence of Christmas.
I don’t know why.
Everyday we’re busy.
No break at all.
Every second is so important and we’re running after the time.
We all hate the new schedule especially the time in Chemistry.
Speaking of Chemistry, last Thursday, we had an experiment about the Colligative Properties of Gases. After waiting some times, we we’re all amaze. All the water in the beaker was transferred to the Erlenmeyer flask.
Then, in Math, Physics and Chemistry, we had the Division tests. Good thing there are choices, so we had 25% chance of getting the right answer.
That’s all I can say.
Ah before I’ll forgot, Happy Birthday to my Precious Mother.
Posted by shalice at 12:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: November 24-30
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Save the Last for the Best
This week, I thought it would be just a normal week, but it was just a thought. This week was a victory week for me.
You know what?! I can’t believe that I joined the Math Jingle. At first, I was just thinking that I just need the grade that’s why I joined. But I realized that I need the experience to learn and to be fulfilled. I am so thankful to Dei and to other jinglers and to all who have supported us, especially to God. That even once in my life I have proven my self that even I do not have the talent at least I am willing to learn something new about my self.
Good thing we won because we can prove to our teachers that the excuses we have taken is worth giving.
For almost two days, we’ve practiced. You can hear us laughing, asking for a rest and of course, singing.
There were times that Dei kept on asking for our cooperation and she kept on scolding us but we deserve it. It was our entire fault why she was like that but we appreciate her. We know that she should not be excused for the reason that she will just teach us for the choreography. We’re very sorry for that!
For the time we were practicing, I really felt nothing and I don’t know why.
This Friday is the day!
In the morning, we’ve practiced and in the afternoon, we just rest to reserve our energy.
Before we’ve performed, we first watched the Mr. and Ms. Mathaba. Sadly, our representatives weren’t able to get the title. It’s just alright because we know that they did their best.
It’s the time!
I was shocked because I do not know that it’s our turn to perform.
When the clock points…
At three o’clock
The Anal Geomers are going up
On the blackboard we’ll all see…
Equations of new centuary
We are the geometrists… (anal geom… anal geom)
And we use analysis… (anal geom… anal geom)
You’ll see books on junior seats…(anal geom… anal geom)
We transform reading it… HEY!!!
Twit.. twit…
This was never the way we planned
Not our intention
We got so brave to study that
and open our books
It’s not what we thought of
We just want to try it on
We find it difficult
So we started it now
We studied stat and we liked it
Our topic’s probability
We studied stat and applied it
In our survey’s we used it
At first we’re wrong
We became right
We studied stat and we liked it
We liked it
We liked it
We liked it
Bum… bum… bum… bum…
When you buy in canteen
There is Mathematics
When you look at the clock
There is Mathematics
When you ride on a bus
There is Mathematics
Math is everywhere, yeah…
You shouldn’t care what they say
‘cause you’ll need it too
They try to pull you away
But they don’t know the use
Math is important
Even if you grow older
Your eyes shall open
Keep loving, keep, keep loving Math
Keep loving, keep, keep loving Math
Keep loving, keep, keep loving Math
Keep loving, keep, keep loving Math
Your mind shall open
If the teachers each this
We’ll listen right now
If the teachers give this
We’ll solve it right now
If the teachers ask this
We’ll answer right now
Come on; are you ready to take it?
Take, take, take, take, take it
Take, take, take, take, take it
Take, take, take, take, take it
Take, take, take, take, take it
Take, take, take, take, take it
Dudug-dugtaktak… ha!
Dudug-dugtaktak… ha!
It was named after Pythagoras
A Greek philosopher
And a mathematician
Who was the first to make a proof
Based on the sum of the areas
Of the sides of a right triangle
It was used by the Egyptians
It was named Pythagorean
Staratstatstaratstat… ha!!!
Staratstatstaratstat… ha..ha…!!!
Staratstatstaratstat… ha!!!
Staratstatstaratstat… ha..ha…!!!
Staratstatstaratstat… ha!!!
Staratstatstaratstat… ha..ha…!!!
Staratstatstaratstat… ha!!!
Staratstatstaratstat… ha..ha…!!!
That’s what we go to school for
To others it’s a real bore
They even call us crazy
Math is so amazing
That’s what we go to school for
To others it’s a real bore
Subjects’ I love many
Math’s the one that I need
That’s what I go to school for
That’s what I…
What I…
What I go to school for…
It was really tiring but fulfilling.
Then, ma’am Orsal announced the champion.
I’ve heard it! It was our group!
I can’t deny it, I cried that time!
I can’t control my emotions! Because it’s a victory and it was my first time to perform and luckily we got the title.
Posted by shalice at 1:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: November 17-21 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I Don't Hate the Subject!
This week I was not feeling well because I have a cold.
Every now and then, I kept on sneezing.
Last Friday, my mother went to our school to get my precious card.
As I was looking at my grades, I noticed my grade in Zoology.
It had increased, but still, I am not happy and not satisfied of my grade.
Is that a grade we deserve?
Know what, my other classmates can't believe that we can get those grades in Zoology.
I really hate, I know that I don't deserve a very high grade, but...
I really hate it.
That's all I can say, I don't want to make an issue.
Posted by shalice at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: November 10-14
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Not Enough Time?!
Oh my God!
This Thursday and Friday would be our test days. Our second test for the second grading period.
For these two days, I think, it was not enough for the long tests for each subject.
In our first day, we took Math and A.P. as first two subjects.
Then, we took English and Advance Statistics.
The time given was just enough to answer each test.
As I was waiting for my service to come, I decided to go with my cousin and go home. When I arrived home, I was shocked that my sister’s classmates were there.
I just slept and rest.
The next day, our time was really consumed just to answer Chemistry, Physics and MAPEH. Oh Goodness, nosebleed, especially in Chemistry.
That’s all. Sorry it’s too short, I’m not feeling well right now!!!
I'm just hoping that I would get good grades.As if?!
Posted by shalice at 2:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: November 3-7 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Restless Break!!!
Haha… I could rest for a week!!!
That was what I thought before, but it was the opposite. I wasn’t able to have a long rest. Everyday I am cleaning our house and managing the computer shop. I do not know if this is really a break or just an excuse to do many things.
Last Tuesday, I, together with my group mates in Chemistry, went in Claudine’s house to make our module. It was her birthday. Our problem was, we were destructed by everything, her visitors and of course, the foods. While eating carbonara, I was wondering why is my lips itchy? I just noticed that there was shrimp. Obviously, I am allergic there. As time goes by, I felt that my lip is becoming thicker. I really hate it; I found it hard to talk. After that, we walked from Claudine’s house to the town of Maragondon to look for a jeep or even a bus. I really hate the jeepney driver, he is really selfish.
The next day, my group mates went in our house to continue our module. Still, we were not able to finish it. That was my problem this week so I need to do it every time I would be doing nothing. There were times that I got irritated because of it.
On the 30th day of October my SPED mates decided to have a reunion. Of course I joined. We have a bonding and swimming time in Shoreline.
We were all happy, even when we're cooking.
Many chicken were wasted and were just given to the dogs?
Know what?
Noel got drowned. Instead of caring for him, we just laugh.
Then Zyrex didn't even helped him.
eh, he was the one near him.
We all got dark.
I got darker.
Even zyrex. Zyrex? very dark!!!
Sunday came, still were not yet done.
November 1!!!
We went in the cemetery. There, I’ve seen my cousin, grandparents, aunties and uncles.
It was already dark when we went home. At home, we just watched television. All the shows were about all souls day. Honestly I was so scared.
Know what, that night, my brother dreamed about ghosts. He was really scared and I didn’t expect that it would happen.
Posted by shalice at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: October 29- November 2 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Countdown to Sembreak
This week we were all excited for the sembreak.
Everyday we were counting for the days before sembreak.
I do not know why we were doing that, maybe we want a long rest.
Our problem was the assignments.
Some of our teachers gave assignments.
For me, it was really unfair because it's a break means we are to rest not to do many assignments.
By the way, this sembreak we had many plans.
I would be joining the "class reunion" of SPED people.We would be having an outing.
Good luck to your sembreak!!!
Posted by shalice at 12:56 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
this week I really felt so boring.
Everyday we were not having a proper classes.
There were times that we were not having classes in some subject.
there's nothing to do.
It's just like nothing.
Last Thursday, the Dustrict Meet was held in our school.
We were exposed to the students of other schools.
For me, they do not have manners. they so not respect our school.
I hate them!!!
In the cheer dance, Municipal was in good dress but their performance was really boring unlike our's, it's lively.
Posted by shalice at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: October 13- 17 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Fight is Not Yet Done!
This day would be the last day of our intrams.
We were to compete for the championship.
In tug-of-war girls and boys, we were the champion.
It proves that juniors are “bigaten”.
We were also the champion in basketball girls.
Unluckily, we got the second place in basketball boys; some of our players got some injuries.
Unluckily, the games were not done because of the rain.
Since it was not yet the time to go home, we watched the practice of the cheer dancers.
The next day, instead of having classes we continued the games.
In Patintero boys, we were the champion.
It was a close fight in Volleyball boys and Girls.
It was so intense.
We were the champion in Volleyball boys. We got the second place in Volleyball girls
Posted by shalice at 2:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Third Day of Intramural 2008
This is the True Fight!
This day I really felt the true competition between each team.
I think the reason was having the spirit of being a sporty team. Even though we think that the seniors don’t like us we still compete in a clean way.
This day we compete for all the game.
We loose.
We win.
All were in close fight.
We did not expect that we will win in a game and we didn’t expect that we will loose a game.
In the afternoon, I played in Patintero. It was really boring. We had two rounds which lasted for five minutes.
Unluckily we just got the second place.
It’s just alright.
When I went home I hurriedly wash my uniform so that I could use it tomorrow.
Posted by shalice at 2:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Second Day of Intramurals 2008
Start of the Game!
When I’ve arrived in the school I’ve received my t-shirt.
In the morning, some of our players and cheer dancers were crying. They were not allowed to play and perform because of some medical problems. I really hate it because they it was too late to tell it. Good thing they just need to have wavered to play.
Then, the program started. The competition for the cheer dance and Mr. and Ms. Physique 2008 started. We won the first place in the cheer dance and second place for the Mr. and Ms. Physique 2008.
The game started in the afternoon. The first team we were competing was the Green Acers. We lost some games but it’s just alright.
When it rained we went in the gym to watch the competition in Sepak Takraw. At first, it was really quiet but when our team and the Blue Vaio came, there was intensity.
The three teams kept on cheering the Green Acers while we were the only team cheering for our team. That’s the rule.
Honestly I was kinda irritated.
We won!!!
After that we went in our quarter. There we had a meeting about that thing.
Then someone should have a joke.
At 4 o’clock we had a general cleaning because tomorrow there would be Koreans going in our school.
Posted by shalice at 2:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: First Day of Intramurals 2008
INTRAMS time!!!
We were all excited. When I arrived in the school, my team mates were all waiting for the t-shirt. Finally we have it.
In the morning, we had the program and opening ceremony. In the program, we had the cheer dance competition. Know what? Our team won.
We also had the Mr. and Ms. Physique 2008, we got the second place.
All fight was close.
The first team we competed with was the Green Acer. We won in almost all the game but there were times that we’re loosing.
Know what? All the teams were together just to compete with us, to compete in cheering!
But still we have the ultimate voice to have louder cheer!
I competed in Patintero, hehehe, we got the second place. Know what it’s very boring. Patintero is just for two rounds which lasted for five minutes.
“Helen” That’ the name we kept on saying whenever we were competing in Volleyball girls. Even though she’s just a freshman, he already made her own name.
By the way, last Tuesday, the Koreans went in our school. In the morning, we had our general cleaning. When they came, they didn’t go in our room so we were not able to see them.
Before I will forget, our intramurals extended because of the rain. We had it until Friday though we were wearing our scout uniform. We continued the competition in Patintero boys, Volleyball girls and boys. Unfortunately we were not able to get the first place in Volleyball girls but it was a close fight.
We were the champion in Patintero boys and Volleyball boys.
Overall, we were in the second place. We were all happy because we did our best to win our game.
Let’s go
Let’s go
Big G Little O
“Manalo, Matalo, may next year pa kami”
“Ang galing ng JUNIORS ang galing galing”
P-U-L-A, we got ain’t no alibi, WATEVER! Aha… WATEVER! Aha…
Posted by shalice at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: October 6-10 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
A Three-Day Class
Classes again!!!
It’s true!!!
No classes on Tuesday and Friday.
In our Zoology class, we focused some parts of the frog we’ve dissected. It was hard to get the right specimen since our frog was small. When we were taking the frog out of the jar, it smells bad because of the formalin.
Last Thursday, we just have classes in some subjects because we were preparing for the incoming intramurals. But still, we had our Zoology class. Unluckily two of my group mates need to practice for our cheer. So, I was the only one doing the honor to have the specimen because my group mates were just assisting me. Honestly it was not that hard to do the honor.
Posted by shalice at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: September 29- October 03 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
We Were Once A Killer
This is it!
It's the time to dissect the frog!
I can't take it anymore, I'm getting so excited!
Can I do it?
The first thing we did was to pin the frog unto the dissecting pan. It was quite hard because the frog was slippery. Then, hehehe... we cut it's skin then cut it until we've seen it's internal organs.
It was really fun!!!
It was an extraordinary experience.
Lastly we placed it in a bottle with formalinr because we still need it in our next meeting.
Posted by shalice at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: September 25 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Tests Again!
Test already?
Time is really fast.
Last September 16, we had our first test for the Second Grading Period.
Even though we just took three subjects, still, we consumed four hours.
Half day!
I just rested.
Last September 17, we had our part 2 of our test.
We didn’t have our test in English and in A.P.
Nosebleed again.
As usual… We had hard time in answering the tests, especially in MAPEH.
The next day, we just checked our test papers.
Last Thursday and Friday, we had our tests in English.
Last Weekends I did my Suring Pelikula.
Posted by shalice at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: September 16-21
The Person Who Inspires Me
The one I admired and influenced me the most is my father. My father is an understanding, supportive, courageous and loving person. He’s the one supporting us, financially and morally. He sacrifices just fro us. Even though he is so strict, still, I understand him. Because of him, I want to dream big and reach my goals. I want to strive harder, especially in my studies, so that he’ll be proud of me. When I grew up, I want to be a successful person and to be the person he wishes me to be. He’s one of the reasons why I do not loose my hope and overcome any obstacles that would come. He’s one of my inspirations and I thank him a lot for giving me strength and love.
Posted by shalice at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Father
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I Was So Sleepy!
This week I was really sleepy. I do not know why.
I cannot think of any reason because I was not sleeping late and not waking up too early.
Every time I was doing my assignments I am always sleeping that’s why I was not able to do my assignments properly. When I am in school, I couldn’t perform well for I felt so sleepy.
Then, we’re always doing many things; we do not have any rest.
In our Chemistry, we’re always doing laboratory works. I love it.
Hehehe…This Saturday and Sunday, I did my movie review.
I really hate it!!!
Laarni is the winner of PDA Season 2. It should be Bugoy!
Then, Liezel was not able to be on the top 3.
I am not convinced on the results!
Posted by shalice at 6:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: September 8- 14 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I’m Exhausted!!!
This week I was really not feeling well, because from Saturday up to Wednesday. I really hate it because I cannot perform well in school.
By the way…
In Math we just graph and graph.
In Chemistry we were to finish the Chapter one. It was really great when our teacher showed us how electrolysis and neutralization happen.
This Sunday I was really tired. Then I woke up six o’clock in the morning and I wasn’t able to eat. I went to Maragondon to watch the street dancing. It was really tiring but fulfilling because our school won the first prize on their category. After a long distance walk and a long time of standing… we WON!!!
In the afternoon I, together with my group mates work on our project in Arts but still we were not able to finish it because we do not have any idea.
Posted by shalice at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: September 1-7 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
What A…
I need to wake up early again for me to attend the flag raising ceremony.
We just have our lesson in each subject but in Chemistry we were not able to do our activity because there was a meeting for the teachers and the students also.
We talked about our intramural but actually we just wasted our time.
Wednesday… NO CLASSES!!!
The fourth years are to take the NCAE.
Classes again!!!
In Chemistry, we did the activity that should be done last Tuesday.
Then in Zoology, we had a long long quiz…
Nose bleed!!!
I can’t take it anymore, it’s really wrong and it seems to be out of this world.
Oh gosh!!!
Friday!!! PTC!!!
This is the time my mother would be getting my card!!!
I hope my grades are good!
Yes! I am in the 4th place. But unfortunately my grades in Zoology and Math aren’t that good.
That’s life.
Posted by shalice at 5:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: August 26-29 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
New Grading Period!
After a short vacation, we would be checking our test papers. I was expecting for low scores.
I really hate the test! They are really hard!
When I knew my scores I was disappointed because the scores I’ve got are lower than what I am expecting.
By the way, this week was the start of a new grading; the second grading period.
In each subject, we had new lessons and we just have few assignments because the teachers were just asking for the sign in the test papers. I really don’t like that unless my scores are high.
This weekend, I just did my assignments. And on Monday… NO CLASSES!!!
Posted by shalice at 4:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: August 18-24 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
After Some Hardships…
I really love this week… Want to know why? It’s because we do not have classes for five days, including the weekends; from Thursday to Monday. Just think of that, it seldom happens.
After some hardships in taking the second periodic test for the first grading and then… a short “vacation”.
Before, I was just asking for a short rest, then, I was given a rest more than what I was expecting. But I felt it kind a boring, I did nothing valuable. I just watched television and surfed in the net. But it’s just okay; at least I was given a rest.
Last Monday, it seems that we just reviewed the topics we would be taking in the test.
Goodness… Time is really fast!
This Tuesday and Wednesday, we had our second periodic test for the first grading. All of the tests are hard.
I can say that Filipino is the easiest and the longest. But I love it even though I need to write a “novel” in each item.
That’s all I can say, I do not want to emphasize and focus on the tests we’ve taken.
Ah! Before I will forgot, it’s the feast day on Maragondon last Friday, “Happy Feast Day!!!”
Posted by shalice at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: August 11-18
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I Just Thought!
I thought this week was a better week… But I was wrong.
On Monday, we had three hours of vacant.
Just think of that, three hours!
I was really happy that time… I thought my happiness would be throughout the week.
Ah! I really hate it!
In our Physics time, we had an activity by group. It’s about refraction.
In Chemistry, we had an activity. It’s about differentiating pure and compound substances; we’re the only group which has minus.
In our Araling Panlipunan, Research and Arts time, we did nothing because our teacher was not present and there’s no seatwork given.
In Zoology, we just checked our activity about cell structure.
In Math, we discussed a new topic, it’s about Functions.
In Physics, we just have a short discussion because our teacher was very busy.
In our Chemistry time, we discussed about our activity yesterday.
Then, in English, we tackle about Muro- Ami.
In Araling Panlipunan, we discussed about the dynasties of China.
In our Statistics time, we had a seatwork but it’s about Chemistry.
In Zoology we answered our activity but were not yet done.
In Chemistry, I was scolded by our teacher. Know what?! My surname was special mentioned. It was really shamming! I hate it! It’s disgusting!
That was the start of my bad mood!
In our Math time, we had our long test. Goodness! Nose bleed!
In our English time, we practiced for our role play about Muro- Ami.
Then, in Zoology, we had our quiz. Nose bleed!
In MAPEH, we had our periodic test. It’s quit easy but some of the parts are not answered because I forgot it.
This time, our period was shortened because we’re just half day: it is for the preparation for the field trip. I’m not included! Each subject will have 30 minutes.
In the afternoon, I need to go to in Maragondon because I, together with my group mates, will make our project in P.E. I went home first and Roselle was with me. Then, after some minutes we arrived in Maragondon but they are not yet there. When they came we hurriedly look for the materials. It was really hard to look for that. We walked from Bucal 2 to Bucal 1, and then our money was limited. Finally we’ve found it! I was really exhausted! What a coincidence. First, we look for cans; we just found three cans so we went out to look for another one. We went first in the hardware to buy a metal tube. But it’s very expensive, so we didn’t buy it but we first look at its measure, while going in the place we found sacks of cements. Wahahaha… It’s just 6 pesos. Then, while walking, we saw a poster written “Welding Shop”. We went there to see if there’s a smaller tube. Yes! There is! We pay it for P30. Then, in going back on the road, I saw a can, it’s identical to the can we need.
We went back to do it. The problem was we need to measure it but we do not have weighing scale. We think of the hardware… We plan to borrow it… Then, the grandmother of Claudine went in their house. She told us that somebody has the weighing scale, so we borrowed it.
My group mates told me that they are hungry, since there’s still P15, I bought bread.
It’s almost done…
Gosh! We’re lacking of cement.
Claudine’s grandmother asked for cement in the construction worker near their house…
Done! Finally!
We went home, me and Roselle.
We ate first.
We waited for a bus…
It took an hour…
She just rode on a tricycle to go at the terminal of baby bus.
Posted by shalice at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: August 4- 8
Friday, August 1, 2008
What a Business!
Monday again I need to wake up early.
What?! NO CLASSES! Here in Cavite?
I can’t believe this!
But it’s true. Yes!
No need to go to school.
I thought I could rest.
My mother told me that we would be having a small computer shop. I would be the one managing it.
Ah… It was really tiring.
Business is a business.
Last Tuesday, we had flag raising ceremony.
Our platoon leader was different.
Know what he is really funny.
He’s not smiling then he is retaining his straight body.
He’s so serious!
Then, when he’s commanding us, it’s really loud.
In our Physics time, we had an activity about convex mirror.
In English, we had a long test about infinitives.
After lunch time we had our Araling Panlipunan. We had a quiz and I got low score.
Then after recess, we had Zoology in which we just checked our activity about Central Dogma.
In 4-5 pm, instead of having classes, we just cleaned because there would be visitors.
I was really irritated because after we had cleaned our area, I, together with my other classmates, helped Asley in cleaning their area. When we were about to finish cleaning, we were scolded by a teacher because there are cut grasses scattered around. I really hate it. I was really bad tripped.
On July 30, Wednesday, we just cleaned our areas in our first subject.
In Physics, our teacher was not present but we had a long seatwork.
In Chemistry I was the second to the lowest.
Good thing I didn’t sing or even dance.
Then, in English we just continue our long test but this time it’s about participles.
In our Research time, instead of having our class about our research proposal, we had our class in Arts.
In Zoology, we’ve checked our activity about Cell Structure but were not yet done.
In Physics, we had a discussion about different mirrors.
In Chemistry, I got 100%.
Then, after lunch time we had our Filipino. We just checked our assignment but we were not able to finish it.
In Zoology, we just continue checking.
Then, in Physical Education our teacher was not present but our president reported about weight training.
Thanks God it’s Friday.
Gosh! I got low score in Chemistry, our quiz was about compounds.
I, together with Theresa, Cyrile and Claudine, danced “Low”.
I didn’t dance properly, I really don’t know how.
I hate it!
In English, we just continue checking.
In Filipino we had a long quiz.
In Research time, our teacher was not present and there was no seatwork. But instead of doing nothing, some of the Zoology people do their seatwork because it’s really long and I’m one of them.
Then in Zoology, some were still answering the seatwork in Zoology but I was doing our project in Araling Panlipunan.
In our vacant time, I cleaned our room and rested for a while.
My mother and my sister went in Imus for the UPCAT. I and my brother were left in our house. I do all my assignments.
Know what every weekdays and weekends; I’m busy managing the computer shop.
But it’s ok. I have no choice eh.
Good luck for the business.
Posted by shalice at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: July 28- August 2
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Give Me A Break!
This week I was really tired and I didn’t even have a short break!
Last Sunday, July 19, I read the novel we need for our Home Reading Report. It’s very long and I wasn’t able to finish it. After some times, I do all my assignments.
The next day…
Goodness! The internet malfunctioned! I need it in doing my blog!
I don’t have any choice.
Watching TV…
Ah! “Love Truly” and “Frog Prince” ended already! I hate it1
My mother asked me to accompany my brother in going to Malainen Bago. Yes! I have a chance to edit my Family Tree.
Ah! Monday! I need to wake up early.
In Math, we continued our activity last time.
In Physics, we had a discussion about our activity last week.
In Chemistry, I didn’t stand.
In English, our teacher was not present. Our president told us to do our HRR, but instead I did my blog because I wasn’t able to do it last time.
I also customize its layout… I really love it!
In Araling Panlipunan, we lectured about our topic that time because our teacher told us to do so.
In Research, we discussed about the Chapter I or the so called Introduction.
In Zoology we had a quiz about our topic last time.
Gosh! It’s very hard!
I went home early but still I wasn’t able to watch Romantic Princess.
Ah! Before I forgot, it’s the last week of Romantic Princess.
…huhuhu… Goodbye Wu Chun…
July 22…
In Math we’ve checked our activity yesterday.
Then, in Physics we did a seatwork. It’s very hard and very long!
I got 100% in our quiz about the ions, I didn’t stand again.
In Araling Panlipunan, what a miracle?! Our teacher was in good mood!
I also had many o.p.
In Zoology, we had another quiz and it’s very so I wasn’t able to finish it.
Again, I wasn’t able to watch Romantic Princess!
The next day, we had a quiz in Araling Panlipunan and I got a good score.
Then, in Advanced Statistics we had a seatwork and I did it for 30 minutes. That time Sir was busy, also the other teachers were busy.
Since in Zoology we need to continue our quiz yesterday we came late in our Filipino time.
July 24…
In Physics our teacher was not present; we did not do anything because the seatwork was given late.
In Zoology, we’ve checked our activity about nucleic acid.
Then in Physical Education, we first answered a survey before having the Basketball Pass.
I was really irritated in our activity in Physics! Know why?
I repeated many times! I really hate it!
After our recess in the afternoon, NO CLASSES!
It’s because there would be an induction of the officers.
Goodness! I wasn’t able to watch Romantic Princess! It’s the last episode!
Last Saturday, I did all my assignments.
Then at night, I finished reading the novel “The Pearl”.
The next day, I typed the HRR. It was really tiring!
My head really aches!
Posted by shalice at 3:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: July 19- 26
Monday, July 21, 2008
Father: Builder of Family
Posted by shalice at 11:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: Father's Characteristics
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Asian Sensations?! Here in the Philippines?!
Oh! God! This is the day! Wu Chun is here! Yes! He is really here in the Philippines!
Calvin Chen is also here!
Take note, they would be here for two days!…
I can’t believe this…
It was just a dream come true.I was just thinking of that before…
Woooshhh… A Wu Chun would be stepping in our territory!
What an amazing and an unbelievable one!
Last Saturday and Sunday, I focused my attention to them.Especially to Wu Chun… Of course!They were the cynosure of those weekends.I couldn’t believe that I finished my assignments for a short time. Saturday morning, I did all my assignment, so that I could watch TV the whole day. So that I’ll not miss any second Wu Chun would be on TV and be interviewed.
Wu Chun and Calvin Chen would be staying here for two days?! Think of that! Two Asian Superstars would be here?! …In the Philippines?! We’re so lucky enough! Goodness… Gracious…
They were in Entertainment Live, PDA, ASAP and The Buzz.
Ah!... I don’t know that they would be interviewed in Entertainment Live. So I wasn’t able to watch them.
A chance was wasted…
Saturday night, I watched PDA.
It was really great! I heard their song, their voice and I saw them live on TV. Wu Chun is really cute! He’s very handsome! I just shouted that time… I don’t know what to do when I saw him.How lucky would her wife be!…hehehehe…
The next day, same thing happened.
In ASAP they sang again.
… It was really nice.
The Buzz!
Hahaha… It’s the time! They would be interviewed…
I can’t take it! I knew many things about them.
They are still single?! What?! Is that true?
I can’t believe it. Ah… It’s because they don’t have time.
Wu Chun can speak in our language, few words only.
He said…
Nice one
Last Monday, they were the topic in our school. I kept on saying Wu chun that time.Ah! Eh! I can’t resist it. What can I do?! Even my heart, it almost exploded!
If your in my case you’ll do the same thing...
Posted by shalice at 1:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: July 12-14
My Great Ancestors
Aren’t you wondering of where does your family started? Who are your great grand parents? Who are your great grand parents’ grand parents? It’s quite confusing right? It’s hard to trace your family ancestors.Know why? …It’s because you don’t have enough source and information for that.I had a hard time in knowing my family ancestors. But, I realized that I was lucky enough because my grandfather is living with us, so I can ask him.On my father side, the mother of my grandfather’s mother is Ulalia Tanega which was living in Cavite and was once a housewife. Roberto and Carmen Susana are the parents of my great grandfather. They were living a simple life here in Cavite. Anghelita, a housewife and frequently staying in Australia, and Antonio Susana, a carpenter and an electrician, are my great grandparents. They have their eldest son, Marcelo Susana, who is my grandfather and was once a carpenter. My grandmother, Dolores Susana, is a Kapampangan. She is the daughter of my great grandparents, Jose and Sista Torno. My father, Eusebio Susana, is the eldest son of my grandparents. Right now, he is an OFW in America. He was once a tricycle driver. For me, he is thoughtful and loving father, he is the best father in the Universe.…hehehehe…On my mother side, the father of my great grandfather, Francisco del Rosario, is Claro del Rosario. He had lived in Leyte and was once a farmer. Ruben del Rosario is my grandfather. He was a carpenter and a farmer who had lived in Bulacan. Her wife, Sabina del Rosario, is a Bulakenia. She is a housewife who loves playing cards. Her father is Marciano Alejo who was a farmer and had lived in Bulacan. My mother, Susan Susana, is a registered midwife. She is just a housewife who takes care and loves her offsprings. As what my father is, she is the best mother in the Universe.I, together with my siblings, Shanice and Mark Ebson, are the fruits of the love of our parents. I am very grateful for the reasons that I have such ancestors like what I had mentioned above. They are the prides of our family which I can be proud of.
Posted by shalice at 1:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Family
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The Role of Children in Building a Solid Family
In a family, there's a father, a mother and their children. Their children are their fruits of love. But, what could be their role in a family? For me, they are the one keeping and letting the love within their parents to stay. They are the one sticking their family together. Because of them, their parents couldn't face back on their responsibilities. They don't even intend or try to destroy the family they stand out for. For those reasons, I think the role of children in building a solid family is that they are the agents in making it solid.
Posted by shalice at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: July 14 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
"Whatever!” That was my term this week. I don't know why I kept on saying that word. It seems that I am use to it since before, but I know I'm not. Yah! Its kind an irritating one. But I couldn't control it. It’s just coming out of my mouth. I don't even want to say it repetitively.Change topic...Goodness! Monday!... I was late that time. And know what?! Sir tom let us stay outside and stand near the highway wherein the people outside can see us. It was a shaming! Thanks God! After a long speech, Sir Tom let us go inside and join the flag raising ceremony.The next day...My God! It was already our first test for the First Grading.I couldn't believe, I've arrived in the school very very early, around six o'clock in the morning. I was also early in the following days.As what I was expecting, the tests were very hard.Hahaha!!!...
We're just half day! No classes in the afternoon!Instead of reviewing, I just chat and surf in the internet. At night, I remembered that we would be passing our Suring Basa on Friday. So, for few minutes I finished the scratch of it.The next day...In the morning, we took the last tests.Goodness!!! Nose Bleed!!!In the afternoon, we just cleaned. It was really tiring.Last Thursday, I was expecting that we will just check our test papers.What a grade!!!Hehehe...When I arrived in our house, I hurriedly typed my Suring Basa.Hehehe...Friday!Oh! God! I really hate this day!If you'll just know what are the things happened this day! You'll be irritated also.
It so happen that I don’t like to remember it.
Posted by shalice at 3:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: July 7-11
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Yes! To Brace... No! To Aches...
Oh! Goodness! June 29 was the schedule of my brace application. God! What's the feeling? Does it hurt?
I need to wake up early because the schedule was in the morning. When I’d arrived in the clinic, the dentist started the process. The first thing done was the cleaning of my tooth. Then, the dentist had it pasta. It quite hurts. I rested for a while since I’ve opened my mouth for a long period of time. After some minutes, the dentist continued it.
Gosh! It was the time for the brace application. This is it! It was so tiring opening my mouth for a long time. It really took a long time, you know! After that, I felt that something was different and it quite hurts.
Ah! Before I will forget, it was the feast in our Sitio. Happy Feast Day! Some of my relatives came in our house. When I’ve arrived in our house,
I hurriedly ate my lunch because I was really hungry. Good thing I can still eat rice that time. But the following days, it was hard for me to eat, especially hard foods, it really hurts. Last Monday, I almost cry because I really can’t eat and it hurts severely… OA.
In going to school, I’ve been late for several times. Some of my schoolmates noticed my brace, some didn’t. Know what?! It’s really hard for me to speak and I can’t sing. They noticed that I’m quiet. Hehehe…
Posted by shalice at 6:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: June 29- July 04 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Research Abstract
The research study entitled "Guyabano (annona muricata) Cake" which aimed to improve the health of the people and compare its appearance, taste, texture and odor to other commercialized cakes. Guyabano was used as the added ingredient in making tha product. This was done to determine if the guyabano fruit can be used as a flavoring of the cake. The appearance, taste, texture and odor were used to evaluate if the guyabano fruit could be an alternative ingredient.
Posted by shalice at 3:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: assignment in research
My Purpose of Existence

Posted by shalice at 2:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Culinary Arts
Friday, June 27, 2008
The Sea Tragedy
I felt this week as a boring one, in terms of the lessons and lecturing. But if you'll ask about the happenings... Ah! If you'll just know, they're countless and repetitive.Last Saturday, June 21, the MV Princess of the Stars sank because of the typhoon "Frank". It was really unexpected because a sea tragedy happened again after a long time. The sailors, together with the survivors, stated that when they were in Manila, the sea waves were smoothly flowing but as they passed by along Visayas, the sea waves were flowing roughly. Unluckily the ship sank when they were in Romblon and wasn't able to reach the shore. Fortunately, there were survivors but sadly, there were more victims. This week, it was the issue in the television, radio, newspapers etc.There were no classes last Monday, since it was signal #2 in Cavite. Yah! I admit I was happy that time because I need not to go to the school. But i felt so bored when I was in our house because I have nothing to do. Good thing my mother told me that we need to go in Malainen Bago. There, I also felt bored because I was walking and walking somewhere else. Until my friend asked me to accompany her in the computer shop. Thanks God! I had money that time, so I've joined her. Wahahaha....
I've changed the layout of my friendster...
Know what?!... I've found a Fahrenheit background; it’s really nice for me. Then, I'd looked for a song I like. I’ve found "Pag-ibig na kaya?". Then, I've made an imikimi and made it as my comment to my friends.Classes again!Last Wednesday, I've got so tensed in our Zoology class because I need to explain my answer last time and I don't know how to explain it. Good thing, our teacher explained it first.Last Friday, I felt so irritated because I can't save the file I've researched. Gosh! It was really irritating!
Posted by shalice at 5:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: June 21-27
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Lots Of Work!!!
Oh! Gosh! We would be having regular classes already. There would be endless lessons and activities. Last Monday, we already started having regular classes. We had our lectures, quizzes and activities. They’re kind a hard ones. While we’re having our class in Math, I saw the P.E. uniform of my classmate. That time, I was wondering why he brought it. For what is it for? Goodness!!! I forgot! We would be having our class in P.E. before our dismissal. I wasn’t able to bring my uniform. I don’t know what will I do. Will I call my mother and tell her to bring it? Or will I go home? I was thinking maybe there is no need to wear it. I don’t like to waste my effort in calling or going home just to get the uniform then we will not use it. So, I decided to ask our P.E. teacher if we would be using our uniform. Thanks God! There’s no need to wear it.In the third day, there were such happenings. Before our classes started, Roselle told me that she’s not feeling well and her body’s kind an itchy. Yet, it wasn’t that itchy. In our recess time, I noticed that there were red spots which were bulging, they seemed large mosquito bites. So, I together with Claudine accompanied her to the clinic. Then, in our A.P. class, while we were having our lesson and some sermons from our teacher, a classmate told our teacher that Zhaila couldn’t breath and some of her body parts couldn’t feel anything. Instead of continuing our lesson, we just looked at her while the nurse was checking her up.The next day, I was really irritated. On my assignment in Math, my mother wasn’t able to sign on it. So it’s INVALID! Then my scores weren’t good. How unfortunate I was! Yet, I was in the positive outlook though I wasn’t feeling like that. I am always telling them, “Babawi ako!”Then, yesterday, in our Math, I was really happy because I got 100% in the activity we did yesterday. But in our activity that day, I got low score. The things I’ve done were inverted. I really hate it! When I’m high they’re low, and vice versa. Goodness!!! In our Physics time, we had our activity. We were the first group to finish it and the resulting device is really good. Of course, I was very happy for that because it was used as the model and example for others to see the image.Haizzz!... This week, I always sleep late, so in school I felt so dizzy and sleepy. Oh! God! What more on the coming weeks.
Posted by shalice at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: June 16-20
Saturday, June 14, 2008
1st week of our Classes
Oh come on!!! We are already a third year student and they can already call us as "Juniors". When I woke us early in the morning, on our first day of classes, I was thinking of what are the things we would encounter as third year students. What are the experiences we would be having, now that we are already in this level? Until now, I still can't believe that I've already reached this stage.Classes started...New room, new seat, new teachers, new subjects and new and old classmates... We had subject orientation, self- introduction and class participation. During our free time, some of the former II- Fluorine students were having their bonding time and I'm one of them...Of course...In our second and third day of classes, my goodness, it was our Diagnostic Test days! Honestly, I didn't prepare for that. I felt so bored, tired and empty- minded while taking those tests. In the afternoon, I felt bored because there's no activity to be done and it was really hot! The next day, we already have our classes. Actually, we just have our lessons for a short time because we've checked our test papers then counted its MPS. It was so tiring because we need to raise our hands for many times. It's really tiring you know! After classes there was no flag lowering ceremony so we went home early. Ah! Before I forgot, it was the feast in Bucal Maragondon, Cavite. Happy Feast Day! Know what! I've waited for my service for a long period of time. It was already quarter to six when my service arrived and I'm about to cry that time because I'm the only person there and I was planning to commute!
Posted by shalice at 2:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: June 10-13