Monday, July 6, 2009

Love is True

How can you say that love is true? Love is true when we can do anything just for it. Love is true because we live. Love is life ands life is love; without life, we cannot love, without love we cannot live. One example is within your family. If there is no love between our parents, we’re not here living in this wonderful world. Another one is, when a person has cancer, he/ she will strive harder to overcome all the pains and sufferings. He/ she will try to reach out the true world just to live for his/ her love ones. Lastly, when the status in life of a couple makes a difference, between Sky and Land, one will sacrifice and give up everything just to let the love long last. Everything may go but love will never let go.

Blessing as Disaster?

Why sometimes our blessings seem a disaster for us? It is because there are people who are envious and jealous of what others have. There’s no contentment. They find way to overturn the situation. Also, people who are interested to someone’s belongings may do something just to get it, he/ she may even commit crimes just to in hand these blessings.

Pleasure from Misfortunes

Why do some people derive pleasure from the misfortunes of others? Some people derive pleasure from the misfortunes of others because they think that these misfortunes will not happen to them. They think that these people are just unlucky. It's a delight for them to see others sufferings from pains. It's just for those evil thinkers and doers. If they are mad to someone who is now misfortunate, they will take the opportunity to revenge and make his/ her life more miserable.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our Junior/Senior Promenade

Huh? Really? Is it true? This is really is it? Those were the questions I had in my mind the night before the day of our J/S Prom. I don’t know why, I feel so, nothing… I can’t feel the excitement but that was at the first part. When I woke up, I’ve already asked for my food because the beautician is already coming and still, I am not yet taking a bath. I hurry up until he came. He sets my and my sister’s hair. After that, he went to somewhere for a business again. After several hours of waiting, he came again. He had applied make- up to me and to my sister. After that, I’ve wore my gown. I was really shy that time because I am not fond of wearing that kind of dress. When I’ve arrived in our school, I looked for my classmates.
We’ve waited quite a long time before the Promenade had started. 1,2,3… Game!!!
We walk slowly and have waited for the candle lighting and flower bestowal. Finally, we’ve seated to our respective chairs. There’ we just sit and wait until the speeches were done. Dinner time!!! We’ve just ate half of our food because we thought that we have no time anymore if much of it will be consumed in changing our dresses. Then, we went in the chocolate fountain to enjoy it. It was really fun!!!
This is it!!! It’s dancing time! First, we had the line dance. After waiting for our turn, we went to our position and dance! Thanks God! I didn’t make a mistake! The dances just go on. Party time!!! Hahaha… that’s what we were waiting for. Dance! Dance! Dance!
Suddenly, they interrupt the sweet dance for the awarding. Congratulations to all the awardees. Then the dance had continued. After a while, I was shocked! I can’t believe that Zyrex invited us for a dance but nobody comes. We were all tired. After some times, Kuya Algerson had invited me to dance with him. I was really shy that time. He has told it to me at earlier time that my mother told him to dance me and my sister. I don’t like it. I already refuse but as what they say, don’t refuse your first dance. He’s not my first dance actually. In the middle of the song, I told him, I don’t like anymore it was because my legs, back and hands were already tired. That’s why I hate my self because I should finish the song. Well, I can’t do anything. Then, in the last minute, Carlo had asked me to dance with him. It was just alright because he was really asking everyone to dance with him. It’s time to go!!! After waiting for my auntie, I and my sister went home. It was still brownout in our place that time. I’m just thankful to the two men who danced with me. The next day, I felt so sleepy!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Set up

Raw Materials:

Cashew Apple
Screw Press
Catalyst (potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide)

Agency: Department of Agriculture
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Flow Chart:
Pre- Treatment
(Separation of cashew apple to cashew nut)

Oil Extraction
(Pressing or solvent Extraction, Separation of Oil and Meat)

(Disposal of Impurities in the Oil)

Trans- Esterification
(Reaction of Oil to Methanol, reaction of alcohol with the presence of a catalyst, production of Biofuel)

(Separation of Ester and Glycerin)

(Separation of Ester and Methanol)

(Comparing the Properties)

Budget Allocation

Alloted (Php) Actual(Php)
1. Preliminaries
*Internet Expense
* Ask/ Consult/ Read
* Plans
* Photocopy
* Transportation
2. Writing Research Proposal
* Print Outs
* Others (10%)
3. Experimentation
*Incidental (20%)
4. Consolidation
*Data Gathering
*Internet Expenses
*Incidental (20%)
5. Writing the Manuscript
*Printing Expenses
*Incidental e.g. labor (20%)
6. Tarpaulin/ Presentation
*Incidental (20%)
7. Congress
8. Finalization
*Printing Expenses
*Book Bind
*Soft Copy
*Others (10%)

Research Problem

The study entitled “Anacardium occidentale as a Good Source of Biofuel” aims to determine and prove whether the Anacardium occidentale can be a good source of biofuel.
”The fuel of the future is going to come from fruit like that sumac out by the road, or from apples, weeds, sawdust — almost anything. There is fuel in every bit of vegetable matter that can be fermented. There’s enough alcohol in one year’s yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for a hundred year”, an idea which was well expressed by Henry Ford in a1925 interview with the New York Times.
We are constantly being told that the era of cheap oil is over, but the truth is that the era of oil of any kind is going to be over as well. It’s finite and every aspect of it is both dirty and expensive, right down to the wars that are being fought over it.
According to William Kovarik, 2007, fueling up with ethanol and vegetable oils was common long before the development of the internal combustion engine. Vegetable and animal oil lamps have been used since the dawn of civilization. Increasingly efficient heaters and lamps meant that higher quality fuels were developed One of Ben Franklin’s spirit lamps is on display in a Philadelphia exhibit. Naturally, early inventors turned to common portable fuels to power automobiles. In 1826, Vermont inventor Samuel Morey powered an early prototype of an internal combustion engine with distilled spirit. German engineer Nicholas Otto’s first experiments in the 1860s with engines involved ethanol as well. Around the 1850s, lamp fuels in the US and Europe were usually made from animal and vegetable oils, often combined with alcohol
The conversion of plant sugars into alcohol has been occurring for as long as history has been recorded. As far back as 10,000BC people were making beer, possibly even before bread was first produced. The process of distillation of an ethanol solution is very simple and has been and still is employed by home distillers around the world for making beverages such as fortified wines, whiskey, moonshine, vodka and so on. This is an effective process, so much so that some alcoholic beverages can act as fuels and burn once introduced to a flame. If biofuels are to be adopted in a serious manner for the long term we need to develop ways of producing them that do not compromise food production. In order to be economically viable, biofuel crops need to produce the highest possible fuel output. In the United States corn is the politically preferred crop for biofuel and it is the corn cob itself that is the source of the raw materials for making fuel. Making fuel out of the plant matter left over after a crop is harvested is another possibility. Plants are made mainly of cellulose which is simply very long chains of sugar molecules joined together. It is the intertwining and chemical bonding between strands of cellulose that make them so hard to digest.
Biofuels are the best way of reducing the emission of the greenhouse gases. They can also be looked upon as a way of energy security which stands as an alternative of fossil fuels that are limited in availability. Today, the use of biofuels has expanded globally. Some of the major producers and users of biogases are Asia, Europe and America. Theoretically, biofuel can be easily produced through any carbon source; making the photosynthetic plants the most commonly used material for production. Almost all types of materials derived from the plants are used for manufacturing biogas.
Since the study is just a continuation of the previous research, the researcher conducted the study to determine and prove if Anacardium occidentale can be a good source of biofuel. Also, to know the amount of biofuel if a kilo of Anacardium occidentale will be extracted. Through this, Anacardium occidentale will have use other than what we are used to. The researcher had then chosen Anacardium occidentale as the subject since it is uncommonly used in the said field. Also, Anacardium occidentale is a product which is abundantly available in the country every year and much of it is wasted, could be an excellent source of bio-fuel that could be effectively used for the production of ethanol.

Review of Related Literature

Defined by Kevin Lambert, biofuel, which is also called agro fuel, is a fuel made from what we call biomass, which in this case is a plant, living or recently dead. Some of the best source plants are corn, sugarcane, and hemp, although biofuel can be produced from any biological carbon source. Even garbage can be used, bringing up the specter of landfill farms. Biofuels are attempting to fill a staggering need; to replace petroleum as our primary transport fuel on a permanent basis. The planetary economy and way of life depends on the transportation sector. Biofuels are considered to be a great alternative to oil, although the process of getting them to market has been called as harmful as the oil that they replace. This debate has been going on for some time and will not be resolved here. But nobody is denying that biofuels are a powerful step in the right direction. They have a quality that oil can never deliver: they grow back. Their source can be replanted and re-harvested, perhaps forever. This is their greatest advantage. Ethanol is the most common biofuel. It is easy to manufacture and process and can be made from very common materials, like corn or sugar cane. It can also come from cellulose. That particular form has been too expensive up to now, but a plant came online in Canada in 2004. Like all of the other biofuel ventures, it was heavily supported by its government, both as a financier and customer. The costs will be worth it. This technology could transform agricultural byproducts like straw sawdust and corncobs into renewable energy resources.
William Kovarik has a clear understanding about biofuel. According to him, fueling up with ethanol and vegetable oils was common long before the development of the internal combustion engine. Vegetable and animal oil lamps have been used since the dawn of civilization. Increasingly efficient heaters and lamps meant that higher quality fuels were developed. Because gasoline was so cheap and abundant, US automobiles were adapted to its use from the beginning. Racing cars, on the other hand, usually used ethanol because more power could be developed in a smaller, lighter engine. In 1906, Henry Ford told newspapers he was working on an alcohol fueled car and tractor. He stuck with the idea throughout his life because he believed that America’s morals were declining with the loss of rural lifestyles. He hoped to stimulate the farm economy by finding new markets for farm products and in the process contribute to the agrarian culture he cherished. Also in 1906, Teddy Roosevelt backed the farm lobby’s push to have the tax on industrial alcohol repealed, saying that the oil industry needed the competition. But the hoped–for revolution was not to be. Gasoline prices stayed relatively low. Farm belt politicians were split on ethanol as a fuel when it came to alcohol beverage Prohibition. While distillers could have a new market for their alcohol, some thought that allowing any distillery to stay open would be a “bargain with the devil”.
Meanwhile, automobiles were improving quickly in the era around WWI, but the fuel was not. At the time, gasoline had what we now call an “octane” rating in the 50s, but it was well known that blends of ethanol in gasoline could stop knocking in higher compression engines. However, ethanol had only two thirds of the energy of gasoline. In a battery of government tests at the 1907 Jamestown Exhibition, the USDA and the Bureau of Mines demonstrated that ethanol engines consumed as much fuel, at higher compression ratios, than lower compression gasoline engines under equivalent loads. At the end of WWI, gasoline quality was declining, and Detroit dropped the standard compression ratio to 3.8 to one. According to Scientific American in 1919, there were two options. One, lower the compression ratio even further, sacrificing efficiency but allowing the continued use of low-grade petroleum. Or two, use more ethanol in the fuel mix in order to conserve petroleum and allow the creation of more efficient, higher compression engines. The choice was further skewed in the direction of ethanol when the US Geological Survey announced, in 1920, that oil was running out.
This had already been anticipated by leading scientists. In 1900, Rudolph Diesel ran his engine on peanut oil at a Paris exhibition. Talking about this in 1912, Diesel said that the use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant today, but such oils may become, in the course of time, as important as petroleum. And Alexander Graham Bell said in 1917 that alcohol makes a beautiful, clean and efficient fuel. Alcohol can be manufactured from corn stalks, and in fact from almost any vegetable matter capable of fermentation. We need never fear the exhaustion of our present fuel supplies so long as we can produce an annual crop of alcohol to any extent desired.
Most automotive inventors focused on ethanol as the solution, but a total replacement of oil with corn ethanol was seen as impractical at the time. A 1919 DuPont study showed that it would take half or more of all grain and sugar crops to replace oil. Charles Kettering at General Motors had focused on another solution – tetra ethyl lead. The idea was to find a temporary additive to allow an increase in compression ratios until ethanol could be produced from cellulose. Kettering sent two of his best researchers to study cellulose hydrolysis with Harold Hibbert at Yale University in 1920.
For complex internal reasons, GM research turned away from cellulose and towards fuel additives that might have more immediate profit potential. By 1921 they hit on leaded gasoline. Although it was extremely toxic in the lab, in production, in service stations and on the streets, Kettering justified the continued sale of leaded gasoline to fellow scientists as only a temporary bridged to the fuel of the future, which was, “unquestionably” ethanol. The fact that the leaded gasoline marketing company created as a joint venture between GM, Standard Oil and DuPont was called “Ethyl” might well have been Kettering’s inside joke about the overall direction he thought the industry would take. Publicly, Kettering and associates insisted that there were no alternatives, but even a glance at the public record of patents taken out by GM or articles by GM staff would have shown this to be untrue. As it turned out, leaded gasoline was profitable enough to take over the market, and the oil industry was powerful enough to scare away most of the competition. There were several notable exceptions, including the US farm ethanol and Henry Ford’s “chemurgy” movement of the 1930s that culminated with the “Agrol” ethanol fuel plant that ran from 1936 to 1939 at Atchison, Kansas. The plant went bankrupt, but the experience had a significant impact on ethanol plant engineering designs and systems engineering at the opening of World War II, when ethanol was desperately needed as a feedstock for synthetic rubber. While most of the investments were placed in petroleum-based systems, the agriculturally based systems proved easier to scale up and expand. By 1944, three-quarters of the tires and other rubber products were coming from ethanol.
It is interesting that most of the support for farm ethanol came from grain-state Republicans and not liberals; the conservatives tended to prefer the idea of finding new markets for surplus crops to the liberal approach involving farm set-asides and crop reduction programs. As Ford knew, nearly all other industrial nations had an ethanol blending program at the time. These included Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and most of Eastern Europe and Latin America.
Following World War II, the idea of continuing to use the distilleries for chemicals and fuels was popular in the Midwest, but a commission report in 1957 concluded that ethanol could not compete with cheap petroleum. Midwestern universities and state economic development agencies continued to explore the industrial use of farm products in general, and ethanol in particular, in the 1960s and early 1970s. For instance, the Nebraska Agricultural Products Industrial Utilization Committee was formed in 1971, and by the mid-1970s became popularly known as the Nebraska Gasohol Commission. With the oil shocks of 1973 and 1979, a considerable amount of public interest followed the development of oil alternatives. Biofuels were not originally at the top of the list. At one point in 1978, US Dept. of Energy officials were using the line that the US had only coal, oil and nuclear power. The oil and automotive industries were equally resistant to developing biofuels and published research that was sometimes described as “defensive.”
For political and national security reasons, the Carter administration pushed ahead with an ethanol program. Federal and state subsidies were applied towards alternative fuels, particularly ethanol. These amounted to about $11 billion between 1979 and 2000, as compared to about $150 billion in tax credits for the oil industry (from 1968 - 2000), according to the General Accounting Office. The replacement of oil with ethanol was controversial in the 1980s for several reasons, not the least of which was that the ethanol industry was dominated by one well connected company – Archer Daniels Midland of Peoria, Ill. The Reagan administration also questioned the need for government intervention, believing that most energy and environmental decisions were best left to the marketplace. The George H.W. Bush administration, on the other hand, sharply distinguished itself from Reagan era environmental policies by forcing the oil industry to clean up “air toxics” in gasoline. Ethanol was one part of that strategy, and the oil industry’s use of MTBE instead of ethanol created water pollution problems in many cities. When MTBE pollution problems were recognized in the early 2000s, ethanol use shot up to the 4 billion gallon level. A few years later, the oil price shock of 2004-2005 created an unusual market condition in which ethanol was priced lower than gasoline. Hundreds of new corn based distilleries were planned, for at least a doubling of the industry to 8 billion gallons per year by around 2008.
An understanding of the history of biofuels can help overcome some of the confusion surrounding the ethanol industry’s origins and original purpose. Modern scientists and policy makers often evaluate the US corn based ethanol industry only in terms of climate change and energy balance, when in fact, the corn based ethanol industry is a cumulative response to many decades of concern about national security, air pollution, and agricultural economics.
One of the earliest controversies about biofuels had to do with the difference in energy content (in terms of BTUs per gallon) between ethanol and gasoline. Even today, it’s not unusual to hear the opinion that gas tanks would have to be twice as large for all-ethanol autos. In 1907 and 1908, the U.S. Geological Service and the U.S. Navy performed 2000 tests on alcohol and gasoline engines in 1907 and 1908 in Norfolk, Va. and St. Louis, Mo. They found that much higher efficiencies could be achieved with engines adapted for alcohol fuel compared to gasoline engines. This would offset the disadvantage of the lower BTU ethanol as a fuel. In fact, biofuels have long been known as extremely clean fuels compared with petroleum based fuels.
In the 1970s, as ethanol programs began taking off worldwide, concerns were raised by agricultural experts, notably Lester Brown, about competition from the energy sector for food resources. It is not a simple concern. Brown and others are aware that corn is not entirely used up in ethanol production, (only the starch is used, leaving the original protein value of the grain). But the competition may also come in the form of pressures on the agricultural infrastructure and economic competition for food resources, Brown notes. Debate continues to involve questions about the complexity of small farm economies in developing nations and the impact of dependency on US grain aid. The first generation of biofuels, notably ethanol from corn in the US and from sugarcane in Brazil, has been available for well over a century. The motivation for using these fuels, despite slightly higher prices, involved national security, farm support, environmental and public health considerations. The idea of moving to a second generation of biofuels, from cellulose and sawdust and other non-food feedstock, has also been in development since at least the 1920s. This also shows that many of the problems we face in terms of developing a viable renewable energy system have been anticipated in history
Biofuels have received a lot of industrial, political and media attention recently. The idea of using ethanol from naturally grown plant matter as an alternative to crude oil for fuel is an appealing one. Of equal interest is the idea of producing biodiesel and its energy rich by-product glycerin from both used and new vegetable oils. This process is in turn dependent on supplies of methanol and sodium hydroxide, also called lye. It is possible to make lye at home but is is much easier and cheaper to purchase it pre made. Biofuels carry with them an image of sustainability and environmentally friendliness and the promise of allowing us to continue our use of automobiles without damaging the planet. Some of these ideas have been realized at least in part, whereas other problems have come to light that are casting biofuels in a less than green lime light. In order to become a genuinely environmentally friendly addition to our energy supplies, biofuels need to be generated using land that is not presently being used for food production or that is covered with natural vegetation such as rainforests. Making fuel out of the plant matter left over after a crop is harvested is another possibility.
Described by Chelsie Vandaveer, the cashew tree, Anacardium occidentale L., is called marañon in most Spanish-speaking countries, but merey in Venezuela; and caju or cajueiro in Portuguese. The fruit is a so called pseudo fruit (or "false fruit") since the true fruit is the cashew nut: that is first developed.
The receptacle becomes fleshy and plump. It has a waxy yellow, red or orange skin. It is juicy, acid to sub acid. The cashew apple is the receptacle, the portion of the pedicel (flower stem) where the nut is now attached. When the true fruit is fully grown, the receptacle swells becoming fleshy. The cashew apple and the nut ripen at the same time and fall from the tree. It is generally bushy, low-branched and spreading; may reach 35 ft (10.6 m) in height and width. Its leaves, mainly in terminal clusters, are oblong-oval, 4 to 8 in (10-20 cm) long and 2 to 4 in (5-10 cm) wide, and leathery. Yellowish-pink, 5-petalled flowers are bear in 6 to 10-in (15-25 cm) terminal panicles of mixed male, female and bisexual. The true fruit of the tree is the cashew nut resembling a miniature boxing-glove; consisting of a double shell containing a caustic phenolic resin in honeycomb-like cells, enclosing the edible kidney-shaped kernel. An interesting feature of the cashew is that the nut develops first and when it is full-grown but not yet ripe, its peduncle or, more technically, receptacle, fills out, becomes plump, fleshy, pear-shaped or rhomboid-to-ovate, 2 to 4 1/2 in (5-11.25 cm) in length, with waxy, yellow, red, or red-and-yellow skin and spongy, fibrous, very juicy, astringent, acid to subacid, yellow pulp. Thus is formed the conspicuous, so-called cashew apple. The cashew is native to northeast Brazil and, in the 16th Century, Portuguese traders introduced it to Mozambique and coastal India, but only as a soil retainer to stop erosion on the coasts. It flourished and ran wild and formed extensive forests in these locations and on nearby islands, and eventually it also became dispersed in East Africa and throughout the tropical lowlands of northern South America, Central America and the West Indies. It has been more or less casually planted in all warm regions and a few fruiting specimens are found in experimental stations and private gardens in southern Florida.
In the field, the fruits are picked up and chewed for refreshment, the juice swallowed, and the fibrous residue discarded. In the home and, in a limited way for commercial purposes, the cashew apples are preserved in syrup in glass jars. Fresh apples are highly perishable. Various species of yeast and fungi cause spoilage after the first day at room temperature. Food technologists in India have found that good condition can be maintained for 5 weeks at 32º to 35º F (0º-1.67º C) and relative humidity of 85% to 90%. Inasmuch as the juice is astringent and somewhat acrid due to 35% tannin content (in the red: less in the yellow) and 3% of an oily substance, the fruit is pressure-steamed for 5 to 15 minutes before candying or making into jam or chutney or extracting the juice for carbonated beverages, syrup or wine. Efforts are made to retain as much as possible of the ascorbic acid. Food technologists in Costa Rica recently worked out an improved process for producing the locally popular candied, sun-dried cashew apples. Failure to remove the tannin from the juice may account for the nutritional deficiency in heavy imbibers of cashew apple wine in Mozambique, for tannin prevents the body's full assimilation of protein.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Running After Time

Yes, it’s true; we were really running after time.
Last Monday, we thought that we would be having the play, but luckily our teacher was not present. We still have the time to practice. The next day, we prepared gain for the play but, again, our teacher was not present. We can have another time to practice.
Last Wednesday and Thursday, we had our Semi-finals. Some tests were easy because there are choices but in some, I had a hard time. Know what?! In our test in Filipino, I got low grade because I didn’t study. In Zoology, I think it was the easiest test I’ve ever taken, I got 85%!!!
Last Friday, we had regular classes. In Our vacant time, we’ve fixed our earth watch.
Last Saturday, we went in our school to practice for the JS Prom. It was quite tiring and we even lack of water. The next day, I went in Razzel’s house to do our book review. I, together with Cyrille, went home early.
No classes on Monday!!! We should be celebrating, but we had to go to our school to practice again. Almost all of us need to sacrifice. While we were practicing, we were told to wear or high heels. It was really hard to walk and dance. When I went home, my feet were aching. But, I think it would be worth it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Just a Crush, No Big Deal

LOVE. What does this four-letter word really means? Love is a passionate affection for a person of the opposite sex or basically a profound feeling of attachment. But, how about crush? It’s the other way around. It’s just a shallow feeling towards a person for the reasons that people are just attracted to its physical attributes, characteristics and even on the way how people treat them without considering their true feelings or what their heart and mind is telling. It is felt temporarily by our emotions. All people may felt this kind of prejudice. I felt it already to someone which I call with his code name “BH”. When I first saw him, it seems to be nothing because I actually do not know him. But, as I’ve thought of it, it just not nothing, there is something I am feeling. Anticipation? Compassion? Or just really nothing? I really don’t know. But I had accepted the truth that there is something inside of me. It was just a thinking that my heart is jumping and hanging every time I see him. His eyes and smiles trigger me and make me pleased. At first, I was fascinated of his physical appearance but I realized and undeniably see that he is not really good looking as when I got closer to him. I had admired him for I know he is kind, cheerful and religious. In spite of those past admirations, I had wanted him to hate me and think that I am a man-hater so that he’ll not know my thoughts about him. Now, I hate him and all my affections for him had gone for I’ve learned that he is a play boy and has friends which are bad influences. Probably, they’ve already influence him and had been like that. I can say those things based on my observation that’s why I kept on evading him. As my last statement, it’s just a crush, a shallow admiration which I consider no big deal.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bad trip!!!

I hate this week! I am really bad trip!
Many things had happened!
This week, Mr. Mojica is not present, I don’t know why. Some of the teachers have taken his time. For me, it’s just alright; I know it’s for our own good.
There are times that I’m really bad trip because of my grades such as in quiz, performance etc. I don’t know why.
Last Wednesday, the juniors and seniors included in the swing had a practice. I wasn’t able to get the right steps since the flow is really fast. I was quite irritated that time.
There were times that I am really sleepy that I could not resist it.
Every time its AP time, we need to do our project, the sadulawit. We need to have the flow of the story and the script. I thought we would finished it at the right time, I was wrong. Most of my group mates aren’t helping so we’ve decided to have an overnight to finish it all.
Last Friday, we had a practice for the JS Prom.
The next day, I need to go in Claudine’s house since it’s our venue but before I went there I first went in my Grandmother’s dress shop for my dress for the incoming prom.
We had an overnight in Claudine’s house. We were happy but I am not satisfied since we have not finished the play. We still need some more practice. I was really bad trip of my group mate’s attitude! BADTRIP!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Doing Nothing At All?!

Know what?! This week, most of the time, I’m just sitting and talking since I’ve finished all the seatwork and assignments given to us. There are times I’m bored. Some of our teachers were not present. They just give lots of seatwork. I’ve finished all of them so that I could rest a lot.
Last Friday, I’ve finally delivered the Oration.
I was really tense that time. Thanks God, I did it right.
On the same day, it was also our PTC. When my mother got my card, I still do not know my grade since juniors and seniors had a meeting about the prom.
The next day, we went in our school to have the first practice for our js prom. It was really tiring since we kept on walking and walking and we just have few minutes to have a break. But it’s just alright; we know that we need to sacrifice.
When I went home, I really felt sleepy so I wasn’t able to eat anymore.
Last Sunday, I just fixed all the things should be fixed.
That’s all I can say!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Gift of God

Our natural resources are gifts of God. They are created so that it would have the quality of having utility and practical worth for us and in return, we should take good care of them. But what are we doing? We’re destroying its beauty! We’re worsening its condition! And now, we experience its revenge, there are many environments crisis arising such as global warming, ozone depletion, different pollutions etc. In spite of those people deteriorating our Mother Earth, there are still some nature lovers who help in regaining the nature’s own beauty and encourage us to do it so. In order to ensure the safety and conservation of our natural resources, we, as the one benefiting to it, should realize its importance. We should always have in our minds that all things created by our Almighty God should be given values. We should have the determination to pursue it and help each other to attain our goals. We should be discipline all the time. Instead of throwing garbage anywhere, we can look for a right place to throw it our just recycle it. We should stop burning such things like plastics, rubbers etc. we can plant more trees and replace the old ones. We can also have it breed; it will also help the problem to be solved.
The government should also take actions especially the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. They should form projects concerning on the conservation of our natural resources and which resolves the environments crisis. They should persuade people to plant trees and throw garbage in the right place. They can even formulate laws regarding this. These will aid to lessen the burden of our Mother Earth. Every solution should start within us. We just need to be disciplined and determined so that the problems would be solved. Don’t just let the “gifts of God” to vanish in a glisten of an eye.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back to Normal?

That's what I thought, we'll back to normal.
I woke up early for me to attend the flag raising ceremony and also, so that I'll not be late it taking the Regional Achievement Test.
In taing the test, we have one hour for each. We have twenty minutes for our break and forty minutes for our lunch. At three pm we've finally finished all the test. then, we've rest, we didn't took any class except Health since we need to have a role play.
The next days, in some subjects, we've regular classes, while in some, teachers just gave seatworks. Actually, everyday e're busy and have many works. We're not even having some rest. We can't do anything. That's life.
Last Friday, we had the "Family Day". It's fun but there were times I felt really boring. In the afternoon, my mother went in our school to attend their meeting about the J.S. Prom. At the same time, we've watched the semi-finals anf the finals for Campus Idol Competition. Know what?! Ten TEn have won! and Ajae got the Third Runner up Place. Third years are really great!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yah, That's what I think. It's really unfair!
We, the top 5 have reviewed for the RAT for three days. For that, we were so tired and exhausted but what?! We still need to do the outputs of our classmates? Won't they let us rest even a while? Give us time!
In three days, we've been in Nitro's room. I can feel the pressure there. I do not know why.
We were tired reading and answering. We were also walking and walking for we need to go back to our room to get our things.
It's so unfair because we could not cope up with the lessons and we need to run after time to know what they have learned.
Saturday and Sunday, I did the projects and assignments we need to past I didn't even have time to study and review.
But, it's just al right for I am proud that I would take the exam and it is for the institution.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

background of the study

My research you’ve currently approved is the “Kasoy as a potential source of biofuel”, the background of the study I have made is not yet finalize, it’s just like the draft because I’m still trying to have it in better arrangement. Ibig ko pong sabihin ay yung pagkakasunud-sunod ng mga impormasyong aking nakalap. I will still fix it, actually edit it, and make it better. I’m still searching for more infos. Sir, can you please correct the mistakes and tell me the things you want to improve. Thank you po for the time!!!

Background of the Study
We are constantly being told that the era of cheap oil is over, but the truth is that the era of oil of any kind is going to be over as well. It’s finite, and every aspect of it is both dirty and expensive, right down to the wars that are being fought over it.
The conversion of plant sugars into alcohol has been occurring for as long as history has been recorded. As far back as 10,000BC people were making beer, possibly even before bread was first produced. The process of distillation of an ethanol solution is very simple and has been and still is employed by home distillers around the world for making beverages such as fortified wines, whiskey, moonshine, vodka and so on. This is an effective process, so much so that some alcoholic beverages can act as fuels and burn once introduced to a flame.
Biofuel, which is also called agro fuel, is a fuel made from what we call biomass, which in this case is a plant, living or recently dead. Some of the best source plants are corn, sugarcane, and hemp, although biofuel can be produced from any biological carbon source. Even garbage can be used, bringing up the specter of landfill farms. Biofuels are attempting to fill a staggering need; to replace petroleum as our primary transport fuel on a permanent basis. The planetary economy and way of life depends on the transportation sector. And that usually means cars. This kind of fuel carries with them an image of sustainability and environmentally friendliness and the promise of allowing us to continue our use of automobiles without damaging the planet. Some of these ideas have been realized at least in part, whereas other problems have come to light that are casting biofuels in a less than green lime light.
Ethanol is technically the same type of alcohol found in Johnny Walker Red. It is easy to manufacture and process, and can be made from very common materials, like corn or sugar cane. It can also come from cellulose. That particular form has been too expensive up to now, but a plant came online in Canada in 2004. Like all of the other biofuel ventures, it was heavily supported by its government, both as a financier and customer. The costs will be worth it. This technology could transform agricultural byproducts like straw sawdust and corncobs into renewable energy resources. Of equal interest is the idea of producing biodiesel and its energy rich by-product glycerin from both used and new vegetable oils. This process is in turn dependent on supplies of methanol and sodium hydroxide, also called lye. It is possible to make lye at home but is is much easier and cheaper to purchase it pre made.
In order to be economically viable, biofuel crops need to produce the highest possible fuel output. In the United States corn is the politically preferred crop for biofuel and it is the corn cob itself that is the source of the raw materials for making fuel. Making fuel out of the plant matter left over after a crop is harvested is another possibility. Plants are made mainly of cellulose which is simply very long chains of sugar molecules joined together. It is the intertwining and chemical bonding between strands of cellulose that make them so hard to digest. One way of breaking cellulose apart is using the enzyme cellulase. This enzyme dissolves the cellulose strands into simple sugars as do the enzymes in our mouths, for example when we suck on a piece of bread.
Cellulase is produced by very few organisms. Common garden snails produce it, which is why snails can feed on newspapers and cardboard. Another organism that produces it is the Trichonympha, which lives in the gut of termites. The termites eat dead wood which the Trichonympha digest. They are very efficient and produce more sugars than they need to survive. The termites survive on the excess sugar production and so this symbiotic relationship endures. Several other organisms including some plants and fungi are also able to produce cellulase.Being able to produce the enzyme cellulase in commercial quantities would surely be a key advance toward developing truly environmentally friendly fuels. Since all plants are made virtually entirely from cellulose we could make fuel from any waste plant material; lawn clippings, bamboo, dead branches, driftwood, anything. Unfortunately use of cellulase in industrial applications for this purpose is still in the experimental phase.
Similarly in Australia and many South East Asia and South American countries, sugar cane one of the crops of choice. The stems of the cane plant are rich in simple sucrose that is easily converted into ethanol.Both these crops have the immediate problem of using not only food producing land but the food itself as a fuel source. The recent surge in global demand and price of food makes this practice unsustainable. If biofuels are to be adopted in a serious manner for the long term we need to develop ways of producing them that do not compromise food production.
Automotive fuel requires high power density, run by clean burning, generally liquid fuels. Biofuels are considered to be a great alternative to oil, although the process of getting them to market has been called as harmful as the oil that they replace. This debate has been going on for some time and will not be resolved here. But nobody is denying that biofuels are a powerful step in the right direction. They have a quality that oil can never deliver: they grow back. Their source can be replanted and re-harvested, perhaps forever. This is their greatest advantage. In the words of Per Carstedt, CEO of SEKAB, Sweden’s largest biofuel company, “They are available for thousands of years; as long as you have the sun.”
Alan Adler believes that, “Ethanol provides the greatest near-term possibility to offset if not replace petroleum. In addition to customer choice it does reduce greenhouse emissions. Coskada could reduce them by up to 84 percent.” Jan Lindstedt says the future of ethanol is “great,” and that ethanol has “a great future. We must have something to replace fossil fuel. It’s now really taking off.”

ps. pls give comment to me po. thank you!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Travel on a Shoestring

I really do not know what is meant by my title. It's just that I want the word travel because last Saturday we went in Pampanga to visit our grandparents. I really had a hang- over after travelling. I really do not like travelling especially in long distance places. I can't resist the odor of the vehicles especially if it is air- conditioned, I vomit.
I admit it!!! I was still luck since the buses we've ride on do not have that strong odor.
Before I will forget, last Friday, we had our Second Periodic Test for the Third Grading Period. In the afternoon, we didn't have classes since the examinee are to take the entrance exam for the second screening.
Our tests were easier and shorter compare to the previous tests.
That's all I can say.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

So Restless!!!

Classes again!
I need to wake up early so that I would not be late for the flag raising ceremony.
Classes have started. Most of the time, we just check our test papers. I am quite happy because I think my scores are better than before.
This week we were all busy.
We just do not know why is that Ma’am Arlyn is not present? We missed her.
Last Wednesday, I slept 2 am because I, together with my group mates, need to finish the Review of Related Literature for our term paper in English. Good thing we’ve finished it.
Ah before I will forget, thank you very much to Karen and Zhaila for giving us ice cream and food. Again, thank you and Happy Birthday!!!

I Couldn’t Say that it’s really a Vacation

I really couldn’t say that the Christmas vacation given to is really a vacation where in we can rest. We have lots of projects to do.
I need to read “Alimuom” and have it summarized. Do the Term Paper in English and start with the Term Paper in Filipino. I am really stressed and tired!!! I’m just waiting for Christmas and New Year so that I would have reasons why I should rest.
Merry Christmas!!!
In the afternoon my siblings and I went to Malainen. It seems to be no occasion since it’s really boring. I just walk and talk. I’ve just “collected” less than four hundred pesos. It’s just okay.
Then, my cousins and aunties went in our house. After that, I went in Malainen again but this time I have nothing to talk to because they already went home. I felt so bored.
When my grandfather decided to go in our house, I accompanied him.
That night, I just ate salad.
Happy New Year!!!
I’m really excited but I am worried of the time since I am not yet done in all the projects. In the afternoon, my mother already prepared the desserts.
In the evening, we already prepared the food and fruits. I, together with my brother, am in charged for the barbeque. It’s not yet time but the barbeques are almost eaten because my brother kept on eating it.
Happy New Year!!! (fireworks)
Then, we ate again.
In the evening, we went in Malainen to join the “Payanig”.
It was really fun especially when the hosts were already there.
I and my sister went home 10 pm.
The next days, I did my projects and finish them.
Finally I’m done!!!

It’s Christmas! Let’s Party!

Hahaha… I’m getting excited of our Christmas Program and Party. I do not know what would happen to our performance in the Chorale Competition and to our performance by section, because we, as a section, just practice about two weeks before the party. In the Choral competition, we haven’t practice for a long time. We just have it for a day. In the competition, I was shock that we were the first group to perform. There was really an angelic voice when we started especially in the part on silent night. There was a big silence in the gymnasium. I just go on the flow. Before the announcement of the winner, there were a lot of games and I joined in “Fear Factor”. Unfortunately we were not able to win. Then, they announced the winner!!! Dandadadaannnn!!! And the champion is the… “Juniors”!!! Yehey!!! After the program, I, together with Roselle and Felariz, went to Joy’s house to change clothes. There, I kept on laughing because of Roselle’s attire. It’s just unusual in my eyes. When we came in the school, our party is about to start. We’ve started it with lots of game. It was really fun. Then the time came, we performed. I do not know what to do since I already forgot the steps. After the party for year level, we went in our room to eat and have the exchanging of gifts. We ate lots of food and exchange our gifts. After that somebody started wiping the icing. I really hate it but its fun. Before we went home, we had a flag retreat.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Research Problem

1. What is it?
My research problem is about anti-helminthic property of gumamaela leaves.

2. Why?
To find an alternative medicine for curing animals with helminthes. If possible, it can be used to cure animals with other parasites.

3. Date
January 6, 2009

4. Field
Helminthology/ Parasitology
5. Target
I still do not know.

1. What is it?
My research is about ipil-ipil leaves as a substitute for the materials in making cardboard.
2. Why?
I want ipil-ipil leaves to be useful in different way and also to have an alternative materials in making cardboards.

3. Date
January 6, 2009

4. Field
Applied Science. But, I’m not sure if it’s the filed.
5. Target
I still do not know.

1. What is it?
My research is about tissue culturing of malunggay or coconut.
2. Why?
Since malunggay, as a nutritious veggie and coconut, as a useful one, I want its tissues to be cultured so that we would have more plantation or sources of it.

3. Date
January 6, 2009

4. Field
Biology, I’m not sure of that.

5. Target
I still do not know.

1. What is it?
I want to continue the research which is about the kasoy fruit as a source of biofuel.
2. Why?
I want to know and prove if kasoy is a potential source of biofuel.

3. Date
January 6, 2009

4. Field

5. Target
I still do not know.