Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Couldn’t Say that it’s really a Vacation

I really couldn’t say that the Christmas vacation given to is really a vacation where in we can rest. We have lots of projects to do.
I need to read “Alimuom” and have it summarized. Do the Term Paper in English and start with the Term Paper in Filipino. I am really stressed and tired!!! I’m just waiting for Christmas and New Year so that I would have reasons why I should rest.
Merry Christmas!!!
In the afternoon my siblings and I went to Malainen. It seems to be no occasion since it’s really boring. I just walk and talk. I’ve just “collected” less than four hundred pesos. It’s just okay.
Then, my cousins and aunties went in our house. After that, I went in Malainen again but this time I have nothing to talk to because they already went home. I felt so bored.
When my grandfather decided to go in our house, I accompanied him.
That night, I just ate salad.
Happy New Year!!!
I’m really excited but I am worried of the time since I am not yet done in all the projects. In the afternoon, my mother already prepared the desserts.
In the evening, we already prepared the food and fruits. I, together with my brother, am in charged for the barbeque. It’s not yet time but the barbeques are almost eaten because my brother kept on eating it.
Happy New Year!!! (fireworks)
Then, we ate again.
In the evening, we went in Malainen to join the “Payanig”.
It was really fun especially when the hosts were already there.
I and my sister went home 10 pm.
The next days, I did my projects and finish them.
Finally I’m done!!!