Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bad trip!!!

I hate this week! I am really bad trip!
Many things had happened!
This week, Mr. Mojica is not present, I don’t know why. Some of the teachers have taken his time. For me, it’s just alright; I know it’s for our own good.
There are times that I’m really bad trip because of my grades such as in quiz, performance etc. I don’t know why.
Last Wednesday, the juniors and seniors included in the swing had a practice. I wasn’t able to get the right steps since the flow is really fast. I was quite irritated that time.
There were times that I am really sleepy that I could not resist it.
Every time its AP time, we need to do our project, the sadulawit. We need to have the flow of the story and the script. I thought we would finished it at the right time, I was wrong. Most of my group mates aren’t helping so we’ve decided to have an overnight to finish it all.
Last Friday, we had a practice for the JS Prom.
The next day, I need to go in Claudine’s house since it’s our venue but before I went there I first went in my Grandmother’s dress shop for my dress for the incoming prom.
We had an overnight in Claudine’s house. We were happy but I am not satisfied since we have not finished the play. We still need some more practice. I was really bad trip of my group mate’s attitude! BADTRIP!!!