Saturday, July 12, 2008


"Whatever!” That was my term this week. I don't know why I kept on saying that word. It seems that I am use to it since before, but I know I'm not. Yah! Its kind an irritating one. But I couldn't control it. It’s just coming out of my mouth. I don't even want to say it repetitively.Change topic...Goodness! Monday!... I was late that time. And know what?! Sir tom let us stay outside and stand near the highway wherein the people outside can see us. It was a shaming! Thanks God! After a long speech, Sir Tom let us go inside and join the flag raising ceremony.The next day...My God! It was already our first test for the First Grading.I couldn't believe, I've arrived in the school very very early, around six o'clock in the morning. I was also early in the following days.As what I was expecting, the tests were very hard.Hahaha!!!...
We're just half day! No classes in the afternoon!Instead of reviewing, I just chat and surf in the internet. At night, I remembered that we would be passing our Suring Basa on Friday. So, for few minutes I finished the scratch of it.The next day...In the morning, we took the last tests.Goodness!!! Nose Bleed!!!In the afternoon, we just cleaned. It was really tiring.Last Thursday, I was expecting that we will just check our test papers.What a grade!!!Hehehe...When I arrived in our house, I hurriedly typed my Suring Basa.Hehehe...Friday!Oh! God! I really hate this day!If you'll just know what are the things happened this day! You'll be irritated also.
It so happen that I don’t like to remember it.